Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Accusative Prepositions: Answer Key

B.  Line by line:

für seinen
Um für seine
ohne ein

durch die
um einen für
um  durch das
für --
für  ohne --


1.  ohne dich
2.  gegen ihn
3. für Sie
4.  ohne ihn
5. durch (not sure what the other should be, doesn't make a lot of sense)
6. für dich
7. für sie
8. gegen ihn

Friday, July 24, 2015

Assignment for Monday, July 27: Review of Kapitel E-3

For Monday: review each chapter: vocabulary, Grammatik, the Themen, as well as consulting "Das kann ich nun!" at the end of each Kapitel as a guideline.  There will also be handouts for extra practice with certain aspects of grammar.  

Please be working on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 3.  They are due on Wednesday, 7/29, the evening of the final.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Online sources for grammar review for German 1A

Here are a variety of online activities for reviewing some of the concepts presented in German 1A.

"Der" words in the nominative

"Der" words in the accusative

"Ein" words in the accusative (note that possessive adjectives (mein, dein, etc.) are considered "ein" words.

Choose the correct indefinite article 

Nominative case pronouns 

Accusative case pronouns

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/22/15: Kapitel 3

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kapitel 3.  Be sure to do the Journal section to have some writing practice.  

Watch the video, p. 104, and for A. check "richtig" or "falsch".  For B, write down four interview questions.  

Lesen: Zum Thema.  A and B will be done in class, but take a look and be prepared to say a) whether the holidays noted are "wichtig" or "unwichtig" and b) how do you celebrate your birthday. 

P. 106: Read: Wie feierst du deinen großen Tag?  Then look at A, Zum Text and jot down name, etc. for each entry.  Just use key words and phrases. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 
P. 102: The verbs werden and wissen: read and study chart.  Note the irregularities in the conjugations. 

Übung 12: complete the sentences

P. 103: Read Sprach-Info 

Übung 14: listen (3x) and check the appropriate responses 

Übung 15: wissen oder kennen.  Complete with the correct form, 1-6

Übung 16: Will be done in class 

Test for Kapitel 3 will be done in class.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sentence Structure Review: Short Video

In advance of a comprehensive review on Monday, 7/28, watch this short video explaining that very vital and essential part of German grammar: the sentence structure.

German 1A: Topics for the final: 7/29/15 at 6:00 p.m.

The final will be held on Wednesday, July 29 from 6:00 p.m. > however much time you need but hopefully not later than 8:30.  

Here are the general topics, in order for you to focus your review and study: 

1.  Family tree terms

2.  Describing in complete sentences: things in your room/home, personal characteristics, favorite activities, questions re: renting an apartment, and things you need to have in an apartment or as part of an apartment. 

3.  Completing a dialog by writing grammatically correct questions.  Review question formation on p. 41 and p. 43.  It would be helpful to also review word order, p. 40 (and see video in post on sentence structure.)     

4.    Personal pronouns: nominative and accusative. 

5.  Verb conjugation (fill in blanks).  Very important!  Sehr wichtig!  Review, pp. 36 and 71.  

6.  Possessive adjectives 

7.  Accusative pronouns

8.  wissen or kennen? 

9.  kein or nicht?  

10.  A reading passage 

There will be a listening section, as well.  

Strange but True: Birthday Customs in Germany or Austria

Read here for a description of some interesting birthday celebration customs in Germany or Austria.  Here's one that stands out: 

  • The first German birthday tradition I’d like to share, serves as a warning as well: Never wish a German a happy birthday before their birthday. It is considered bad luck to do so. There are no well-wishes, cards or presents given before a German’s birthday. Period.
And about that Happy Birthday song: 

 The good news about learning a birthday song sung in Germany is that it is not hard at all. The reason is the bad news: The English version of 'Happy Birthday' is what is mostly sung at German partys now. Nevertheless, on occasion you will hear it sung in German and so here is the German version:

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück,Zum Geburtstag viel Glück,Zum Geburtstag alles Gute,Zum Geburtstag viel Glück. 

One traditional birthday song where sometimes the chair is being lifted up as everybody sings along isHoch soll er/sie leben. However it is being taken over by 'Happy Birthday' and is not so popular anymore.:

Hoch soll sie/er leben! (Long may she/he live!)
Hoch soll sie/er leben! 
Dreimal hoch! (Three cheers!)

Another birthday song that you will hear at times, expecially at children's birthday partys is the one penned by Germany's favorite children's singer, Rolf Zuckowski: Wie schön, dass du geboren bist.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/20/15: Kapitel 3: Familie und Freunde

Note: If you looked at this blog post earlier (i.e. Wednesday), please note it was incorrect.  Below is the correct assignment for Monday, 7/20.  

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kapitel 3.  It will be handed in on the evening of the final on 7/29.  

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kapitel 3

P. 88: Thema 2: Der Kalender

Akt. 4: identify

Read Sprach-Info

Akt 6: Listen (3x) and take notes, jot down key words

Akt 7: will be done in class

P. 89: Thema 3:  Feste und Feiertage 

Read the paragraph about Geburtstagswünsche, study Neue Wörter.

Analyse: read and be prepared to review in class.  To see more on offering good wishes, condolences, job promotion congratulations, graduation, etc. in German, see this webpage.

P. 90: Study Neue Wörter and read Feiertage in der Familie Thalhofer

P. 91: Read Sprach-Info.  

Read Landeskunde-Info and prepare answers to the questions 

P. 92: Akt 8: match the holidays.  Then, go to this website:    German holidays.  Choose a holiday that interests you and write a brief description to tell the class.  

Akt 9: Create a birthday greeting for a family member or friend 

Neue Wörter, study and read Sprach-Info

Grammatik im Kontext: 

p. 97: Read about personal pronouns in the accusative case and notes.  

P. 98, read Sprach-Info. 

Übung 6, fill in blanks.

Übung , will be done in class. 

Übung 8, fill in blanks with the appropriate personal pronouns.  Both nominative and accusative pronouns will be used. 

Übung 9, will be done in class. 

Pp. 100-101:  Prepositions with the Accusative Case: Read and study, including notes.  

Übung 10:  Write sentences according to the example/Beispiel

Übung 11: write the correct preposition to review in class

Just for fun, here's a tongue twister to try:  In Ulm und um Ulm und um Ulm herum.  See how many times you can say it in 30 seconds!  

Test, Kapitel 3.  This will be distributed on 7/20 for review on 7/22.  We will "crowd source" the test for Kapitel 3, listen and review the listening section, etc.  This will be a good chance for you to review Kapitel 3 material in advance of the final.  10A students will also participate, for extra practice.  (It couldn't hurt).  

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/15/15: Kapitel 3: Familie und Freunde

After reading the Grammatik im Kontext assignments, please begin the workbook and lab for Kapitel 3, to be handed in on the class session of the final, 7/29/14.  

P. 83: Alles klar?  Read and examine the photo, following the prompts.

P. 84: Listen to B and check boxes

P. 84: Thema 1: Wörter im Kontext: Ein Familienstammbaum.  Study the tree and complete the activity,

Wer ist wer?

Read: Sprach-Info and study Neue-Wörter, p. 85

P. 86: Akt 1.  Unscramble

Akt 2: prepare answers to questions.  You will use mein/meine in your answers.  

Read Sprach-info

Read Landeskunde-Info.

P. 87: Akt. 3.  Fill in the blanks and read Sprach-Info. (Tip: you never know when you will need this vocabulary in your every day interactions in a German-speaking country!) 

Pp. 93-94: Grammatik im Kontext: Possessive Adjectives: read and study charts and read notes.

Analyse: Scan and identify possessive adjectives. 

P. 95: Übung 1: Listen (3x) and jot down Empfänger/Absender (just the relationships + possessive adjective)

Übung 2:  Schritt 1 and 2 

Übung 3: Write 8 sentences according to the directions 

P. 96: Übung 4: Complete the dialogs.  Note whether the person being addressed requires "formal" or "informal".   

Übung 5: Schritt 1: Write a personal profile to exchange in class (Schritt 2).  You need not write your actual cell phone number.  You will be using a correct form of "mein", which will vary depending on the gender of the noun it is modifying.  

Thursday, July 9, 2015

German 10A: Topic for the Final Presentation on 7/29

Here is the topic for the final presentation on 7/29 for 10A students.  Please note that it is three-fold.  It is being posted now so that you have adequate time to prepare.  

1.  Greet the class and introduce yourself.  Include the following:  

  • Your name 
  • Where you are from
  • How old you are 
  • Your height in meters
  • Describe 3-4 of your personal characteristics using "Ich bin ...."  See p. 30 for vocabulary
  • Using "macht Spaß" say two things that you like to do.  Using "gern + verb" say one thing that you like to do.  See Sprach-Info on p. 31 for a refresher on this. 

2.  Describe your apartment or house.  Begin with "Meine Wohnung/mein Haus hat ..." and name 4 rooms.  Say which room is your favorite: Mein Lieblingszimmer ist das ________.  Es ist __________________ (and describe the room using adjectives that you know or look up.)  Say three items that this room has using the correct form of "ein".  For example: Mein Wohnzimmer hat einen Couchtisch, einen Fernseher, und einen DVD Spieler. 


3. Using Akt. 2, p. 86 as a guide, present your family to the class.  Answer questions 1-5 AND make up one statement of your own.  

Each of these sections should be no more than 3 minutes each.  Thus, your presentation should run about 9-10 minutes.  Please practice in advance and time it!  

Grades will be based on a "checklist" of how many of these topics you include, i.e. a check for mentioning three items that the room has using "ein", etc.  There are also overall points for correct grammar, pronunciation and basic presentation (i.e., have you practiced this, is your delivery halting or smooth?)

German 1A: General test topics for Kapitel 2 test

The test for Kapitel 2 will be given on Monday, 7/13/2014.

The general topics will be as follow:

1.  Listening section

2.  Identifying objects seen in a house, including definite article and plural form.  Know the plural forms of the vocabulary on page 80 under the headings:  Im Kaufhaus and Das Haus.

3. Fill in the blank with adjectives regarding housing.

4.  Write 4 sentences using appropriate verbs introduced in Kapitel 2.  See pp. 80-81 in the Wortschatz for a list of verbs, including, most importantly, stem-vowel change verbs.

5.  Complete 4 sentences using the correct form of "haben" and "kein"

6.  Sentences with "dieser" or "welcher" in their correct forms.

7.  A reading passage with questions.

8.  A culture section about student living situations in Germany vs. in the U.S.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/13/2015: Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne

Continue working on Workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 2, to be turned in before the test on 7/13.  Don't forget the Journal section: it is one of the few opportunities to practice writing something a bit more extended.  

Thema 3: Was wir gern machen (continued) 

Akt. 8: Hin und Her will be done in class. 

P. 60: Akt. 9.  Prepare to review in class.  Try to formulate complete sentences, using either "er" or "sie", as appropriate.  Beispiel: 1.  Was trinkt Jasmin gern?  Sie trinkt gern Rotwein.  Note that "gern" will follow the verb as closely as possible.   

Read Sprach-Info and prepare to do Akt 11 in class.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Pp. 74-75: Übungen 17, 18: supply the correct plural forms, as per the directions. 

Read "The Plural of Nouns" and read notes carefully.  They contain a lot of tips as to how to predict the plural form.  

Watch the Videoclip, p. 75 at least twice.  Do A, B, C.  For C: write at least 5 sentences describing your apartment/home/living quarters.  Note: The fill-in-the-blank sections for A.1. are a bit confusing, don't be too concerned about that one. 

P. 78: B: look at the pictures and see how many objects you can identify, with definite articles and plural forms.  Quiz yourself! 

Prepare for test, Kapitel 2.  Review all grammar sections, Wortschatz (pp. 80-81), using "Das kann ich nun!" as a guide.  Bring completed workbook/lab manual to class to turn it.  If you do the workbook thoroughly, as well as the assignments, the tests will reflect this.  See other posts for general topics (1A) and the presentation topic (10A).    

Click here for some extra review for nicht/kein.  Here is one for negating sentences. 

Still learning the conjugation of "haben"?  Click here for an exercise.  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

German 10A: Presentation Topic for Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne (Monday, 7/13/15)

Eine Haustour:  You are describing/showing your friends your new apartment/house.  Using the vocabulary on pages 53 and 56, give a presentation of your abode.  Describe each room (name at least 4 different rooms or places in a house or apartment).  Use at least two adjectives to describe each room.  What type of furniture is in each room?  Name at least two items of furniture or other things you would find in a room. What do you do in each room?  Use one verb (at least) per room.  Finally, what don't you have in your apartment/house that you still need?  Use the correct form of "kein" in your sentence.  See Akt. 2 of the Workbook, p. 32, as a template.   

To make this more interesting, you may make up a Power Point presentation and present it to the class.  I will have an LCD projector that you may use, if anyone is planning on doing this.   But please let me know if so, so that I can reserve the equipment.   

Again, it is best to practice this beforehand and time it so that it comes in at around 3 minutes.  

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/8/2015: Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne

Continue working on workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 2.  Material (exercises) not completed on Monday, 7/6, will be on the menu for Wednesday.  

Pp. 56-57: Thema 2.  

Study Neue Wörter, p. 57 

Look at the pictures, p. 56 and answer A.;  For B: using "dieser" in its correct form (pay attention to the gender of the noun you are using) identify 5 other items and write what they cost, using the example given in B. 

Akt. 5: Listen (3x) and check items.

Read Sprach-Info.  Make a special note: the definite article changes only for masculine nounsi.e. der > den.  

P. 58: Akt. 7: Listen (3x) and answer true/false.  Write your own das stimmt/das stimmt nicht questions based on the pictures on p. 56, two for each "Bild"  Identify first: "Bild 1", "Bild 2," "Bild 3" (from top to bottom of page).  Use the correct form of "dies_".  Zum Beispiel:  Bild 2:  Dieser Papierkorb kostet 25 Euro.  (Das stimmt).  

Look at the following ads from a German newspaper/print/online:  SONNABEND/SONNTAG, 13./14. JUNI 2015  TAZ.AM WOCHENENDE

and answer the following questions: 

1.  Was sucht die Familie?  Wie viele Kinder hat sie?  Welche Adjektive beschreiben die Wohnung, die sie sucht? 

2.  Wie ist das Pärchen?  Was ist der Mann von Beruf?  Wie alt ist er?  Was ist die Frau von Beruf?  Wie alt ist sie.  Wie viele Zimmer suchen sie?  Was bedeutet 900 Euro warm?  In welchen Stadtbereichen wollen sie wohnen?  (wollen - to want to). 

3.  Auf Englisch: What can you say about this ad?  


1.  4-köpfige Familie (mit schulpfl. Kindern) sucht 4-Zimmer-Wohnung in Pankow/Weißensee/Friedrichshain, ruhige, grüne Lage. Mail: 4zimmer@bigfoot.com 

2.  Sympathisches, aufgeschlossenes Pärchen sagt Hallo BERLIN, Dipl.Ing. für IT (34) und selbstständige Intensivkrankenschwester (28) suchen ab 01.8./ 01.09.15 eine 2-3 Zi. Whg. ab 70qm für max. 900€ warm, bevorzugt in Wedding (Nähe Gesundbrunnen), Mitte, Kreuzberg oder Friedrichshain. Schön wäre ÖPNV Nähe und Balkon! Kontakt: Fredie.Roediger@gmx.de WOHNPROJEKTE 

3.  Land-Leben! 1h/70km nördl. von Berlin. Mietwohnung (100qm) frei + Bau-/Ausbauprojekte geplant. Hofgemeinschaft sucht Leute u. Kinder! Toller ökolg. 4-Seit. Hof + Garten 7000qm bieten Platz für kreative Ideen, Schulgründung geplant. Nähe Stechlinsee. Info+Kontakt: www.generationsuebergreifend.de ☎ 0177.1988 708

Thema 3: Was wir gern machen

Pp. 58-59: Thema 3:  Study Neue Wörter and read the Sprach-nfo.  Match the pictures (a-f) to the statements (1-6).  

Was machen Sie gern?  Check the boxes as appropriate.  Be prepared to tell the class two things you like to do and one thing that you don't.  

The rest of Thema 3 will be assigned for 7/13, but this part is beneficial for reviewing the stem-vowel change verbs. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 69: Read Negation: nicht and kein, including notes and also study chart.  Note how the endings for "kein"  parallel the "ein" word endings that you already know!  

Übung 9: Listen (3x) and check off the excuses.  

P. 70: Übung 10.  Read the comic and circle the correct option. 

Übung 11: write either nicht or kein for 1-10

p. 71: Read "Verbs with Stem-Vowel Changes" and note.  They stem-vowel changes will have to be memorized!  No way around it!    

Übung 13:  Complete as per the directions.  THEN, create a question to generate the statements for each sentence.  (10 questions, 5 each for Herr und Frau Wunderlich)  They can be "information seeking" questions (using was, wo, wie, etc. ) or "yes/no" questions.  (to review the two different types of questions, see pp. 41-43).  

Zum Beispiel: ja/nein form:  Sieht Frau Wunderlich gern Horrorfilme?  Ja, sie sieht gern Horrorfilme, or Nein, sie sieht nicht gern Horrorfilme.  Information seeking form:  Wer sieht gern/nicht gern Horrorfilme?    

Übung 14: Fill in the blanks 

Pp. 72-73: Übung 15: prepare 3 sentences by following the directions.  Then this will be completed in class with a neighbor.  

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Get Germanized: How to be German, Part 2. Was bedeutet denn "klugscheisse"?

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/6/15: Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne

After completing this assignment, begin work on the workbook/lab manual, Kap. 2.  

P. 51: Alles klar?  Read A and prepare answers to the 4 arrow questions.  Do the Vokabelsuche. 

Listen to B and write down the answers. 

P. 52: Read Landeskunde-Info

Thema 1: Study Neue Wörter, pp. 52-53.   Make flashcards with Quizlet!  

Listen to "Auf Wohnungssuche" (3x) and read along after the first time just listening.  

P. 53:  Answer A-C.  For D-G, write a few sentences describing your living situation, using the sentences structures and vocabulary from D-G

For C, just FYI, you could add as options:  Ich wohne ... mit meinem Freund oder Ehemann/meiner Freundin oder Ehefrau/mit Freunden/mit Mitbewohnern (roommates)  

Note: read Sprach-Info on page 53 with reference to E. 

Akt 1: Write answers 

P. 54: Akt. 2: Listen and scan the ads.  Label 1-5.  

Read Landeskunde-Info about the euro. 

P. 55: Read Sprach-Info

Akt. 3: Circle answers and write answers for Schritt 1, 2, as directed, referring back to the ads in Akt. 2.  

Akt. 4: Write an ad to bring to class.  You may refer to dollars or convert dollars to Euros.  Look up the exchange rate on your smart phone!  You can also add an SF neighborhood in your description.  Use "im _______________ Stadtbereich." Z.B.: Ich suche eine Wohnung im Noe Valley Stadtbereich."    

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 62: Read "the verb haben".  Read Analyse and be prepared to discuss the questions. 

Übung 1: Complete the sentences 

P. 63: Read "The Nominative and Accusative Cases":  Indefinite Article, including notes. 

P. 64:  Übung 2: Listen (3x) and check the boxes 

Übung 3: Write a list of 5 items in the room, using "Das Zimmer hat ___."  

Übung 4: Write Schritt 1.  The rest will be completed in class with a neighbor.  

P. 65: Read "The definite article", including the notes.  

Read and note Sprach-Info, p. 65.  

Übung 5: Write 10 sentences based on the photo.  Note the change in definite article for masculine nouns and repeat out loud the items listed + definite article as you write.  This may help retain information.   

Übung 6: Will be done in class. 

P. 67: Read "the der-words dieser and welcher" and study the chart. Pay special attention to the note at the bottom on the page. 

Übung 7: just write the appropriate forms for the blanks.  Tip: determine which is the subject and which is the object for each sentence and whether the noun is masculine, feminine or neuter.  (Note: something similar will be on the test for Kapitel 2).  

Read Sprach-Info, THEN, write the correct form of dieser in Übung 8.  It is helpful to read the sentences out loud as you work on this and other activities.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for Wednesday, 7/1/15: Kapitel 1

Es tut mir leid!  Frau Pahl apologizes for not posting this earlier!  

Both 1A and 10A: Complete workbook and lab manual, Kapitel 1.  It will be due on 7/1, before you take the chapter test or (for 10A), give your presentations.  10A students, please see the previous post for the topic to prepare.  1A students, please see the next post for the general topics for the Kapitel 1 test.

Akt. 14, p. 32: make a list to compare w/others in class.

Grammatik im Kontext:

P. 43: Read "Yes/No Questions"

P. 43: Übung 17: Write questions for 1-6

Übung 18: Schritt 1: write five informal yes/no questions to bring to class.  Schritt 2 and 3 will be done in class so be prepared with five questions.

Übung 19, Schritt 1.  Invent a fictitious person.  Be creative but not outrageous!   Schritt 2 will be done in class.

P. 44: Übung 20.  Schritt 1: Listen (3x) and check correct boxes.

          Schritt 2: Write questions for 1-8, using the information from the audio, creating yes/no questions.  Remember: for these types of questions, you will begin your sentence with the verb.

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 47.

Watch the video, p. 45.  Try to check answers for A, B.  C: do you have something in common with any of the people presented in the video?  Remember: you are not expected to understand everything in the video.  Global comprehension is the goal.  In other words, you probably understand more than you initially think you do!


Kapitel 1: review all grammar topics, Wortschatz (pp. 48-49)

Use "Das kann ich nun!" as a study guide (p. 49)

See other post for topics to focus on.  

Click here for additional review of the nominative case pronouns. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

German 1A: Test for Kapitel 1 on 7/1/15

Here are the areas to concentrate on as you study for the test for Kapitel 1 on Wednesday, 7/1/15.  Please bring completed workbook/lab manual to class to turn in.  Completing these and being thorough in your work will greatly help you with the test material!  I guarantee it!

1. Listening section: personal information - yes or no

2.  5 questions (written) eliciting personal information

3.  Definition matching: personal characteristics

4.  Personal Pronouns

5.  Verb conjugation: fill in blanks and complete a dialog

6.  Reading:  answer questions

7.  Writing: Write a real or fictitious description of yourself (20-30) words.  Include information such as age, (metric) height, personality, and interests.  It is a good idea to prepare in advance; however, you may not consult any notes during the test!

8.  Culture: question based on a cultural/linguistic concept covered in class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Get Germanized: Vorsicht! May cause mild laughter

Here is a fun way to get your cultural component for your German language learning.  This is the first in a series of videos, and actually, there is a lot of information here.  Check it out!

German 10A: Topic for presentation for Kapitel 1 on Wednesday, 7/1/15

 Since there is so little content at this point to work with, there is only one topic assigned for the 10A presentations.  Please note, part of your grade points will be based on including items 1-6 in your presentation.  

Wer bist du?  Create an introduction to the class about yourself. and include the following 

1.  Greet the class!

2.  Say what your first name is and your last name (Mein Vorname ist ________, mein Nachname ist ____________.)

3.  Using the lists on page 30 of the Textbook, describe yourself using 3 -4 adjectives AND 

4.  Say three things that you like to do, using either the form of "........ machen Spaß" or "Ich (verb goes here) gern."  See the Sprach-Info on p. 31 of the textbook for more information on this.  

5.  Say where you live and how you like the city where you live.  To say how you like something (2 adjectives) use:  "Ich finde (name of city) ________________.  (adjective)"  Beispiel: Ich finde Walnut Creek ganz interessant und ruhig.  

6.  Say what your profession is or, if you don't yet have a profession, say where you work.  Beispiel:  Ich bin Lehrer von Beruf.  OR Ich arbeite bei (name of company).  

This should take ca. 3 minutes, no longer.  Write it out first and practice it in front of someone, or in front of a mirror.  Or, you could record yourself and play it back to get a sense of how fluent you are and how well you are using the vocabulary.  

The presentations will take place in front of only the students in 10A, due to time constraints (ca. 10 people).  Each student, as they listen to their classmates, should jot down ONE question that they could ask if called upon.  

This should not be read straight from paper, but you may write key words on note cards to refer to.  The idea is to make this as "conversational" as possible.  Feel free to email me if you have any quyestions as you are preparing this.  

10A students will all do the listening portion of the test for Kapitel 1, and then we will go down the hall to another classroom.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for Monday, 6/29

Continue work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 1.  There is a strong correlation between being thorough with the workbook/lab manual assignments and doing well on the test.  Test and workbook/lab manual: Kapitel 1, 7/1.  Do not omit the Journal writing section at the end of the each workbook chapter!  This is one of your few opportunities to practice writing skills in German.    

Test on 7/1: General topics will be posted on Thursday, 6/25 for 1A students. 

A selection of topics for presentations for 10A will be posted on 6/25.  Check back then for these and details about how you can make your presentation come to life.  

If we didn't get to Übungen 8, 9, pp. 38-39 on Wednesday, we'll will review these on Monday.  If you did not prepare it for Wednesday, now's your chance to review verb endings!  

Study Wortschatz, pp. 48-49

P. 25: Thema 2: Sich erkundigen

Listen (3x) to audio, study Neue Wörter, p. 25.  Welches Wort findest du interessant oder praktisch zu wissen?  

P. 26: Ein Gespräch an der Uni, study Neue Wörter, p. 26 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 26

Read and study Analyse, p. 26 and be prepared to answer the questions

P. 27: Read Sprach-Info,, 

Akt. 5 & 6:  check the correct boxes 

P. 28: Akt. 7: Match questions 

Akt. 8: Listen (3x) and indicate logisch/unlogisch)

P. 30: Thema 3: Eigenschaften und Interessen

Study Neue Wörter.

Check boxes for "So bin ich" and "Das macht Spaß"

P. 31: Read Sprach-Info

Akt. 11 - write opposites 

Akt. 12: Write down the activity.

Was macht Spaß?  Look at Sprach-Info again on p. 31 and use it as an example to write down two things that you like to do.  Use "____ macht Spaß" for one and "Ich _______ gern." for the other.   Use the categories on page 30 to help you along. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 39: Read The Verb Sein and study the conjugation.  Memorize! 

Übung 10. Complete the sentences

Read Sprach-Info, p. 40  

 Read: Word Order in Sentences.  Carefully!  This part is very important to note! 

Be prepared to do Übung 11 in class.  Note how word order changes when you begin with the bolded words.  

P. 41: Übung 12:  Write sentences (10 in all) 

Übung 13: Prepare to do in class

Read "Asking Questions" and notes

P. 42: Übung 14: Write out complete questions, for example: 1.  Der Mann heißt Jürgen. To practice pronouns, try completing the questions using the appropriate pronoun rather than the noun.  

Übung 15: just write the correct interrogative pronouns for 1-8

Übung 16: Write word questions for 1-8

Sunday, June 21, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for Wednesday, 6/24: Kapitel 1: Das bin ich

Begin work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 1.  These are due on the evening of the chapter test.  You can access the lab audio here: 

The user name is:  german
The password is:   ccsf

P. 21: Alles Klar?

Read and complete A, listen to B and circle answers

P. 22: Thema 1

Study Neue Wörter, p. 22 and read profiles 1, 2, 3, then complete "Schreiben Sie Steckbriefe", pp. 22-23

P. 23: Read Sprach-Info, p. 23

Akt. 1: Listen (3 times is best) and check correct boxes

Then fill in blanks to describe yourself.

P. 24: Read Landeskunde-Info, and be prepared to discuss answers to the questions in class.

Akt. 2: Listen (3x) and check ja/nein

Akt. 3: write complete sentences to use for a classroom interview

Akt. 4: Figure out your height in meters/centimeters using the conversion ruler in the sidebar.  

Grammatik im Kontext

Pp. 32-33: read Nouns, Gender, and Definite Articles.

Übung 1: Listen (3x) and circle the definite article

Übung 2: Complete the sentences

Übung 3: Create compound nouns

P. 34: Read Personal Pronous and notes

P. 35: Übung 4: write answers to 1-8

Übung 5: prepare answers for 1-7 to do in class with a neighbor

Übung 6: Identify each subject in questions 1-8 and replace with the appropriate pronoun.  Write down the appropriate pronouns for a-h, matching the Frage column with the correct Antwort.  This exercise will then be completed in class. Be prepared!

Important!  Wichtig! P. 36: Read, carefully, The Verb:Infinitive and Present Tense

Study the conjugations in the chart and memorize one as a "paradigm".  Read the notes.

Read: Use of the Present Tense and scan "Analyse".  Be prepared to answer questions in class.

P. 37; read Sprach-Info.

Übung 7: Write 2-3 sentences for each "person"  Ich, Mein Freund/Er/Wir.  Be sure that your verb matches the subject in terms of "person".

Übung 8: be prepared to do this as partner-work in class.

Übung 9: prepare endings to do in class.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Assignment for Monday, 6/22: German 1A/10A

For Monday, 6/22: 

Continue working on workbook and lab manual, Einführung, to hand in before the test.

P. 12, Akt. 14: Do Schritt 1 and bring prepared to class.  Schritt 2 will be done in class.

Read and study: Sie können schon etwas Deutsch!, p. 13.  We will discuss in class.  Are there other German words that you know that seem to be cognates with English?  Or vice verse? 

Listen to Akt. 15, p. 15, 3 x is best for increased comprehension. Drei Mal!

Akt 16 will be done in class.  

Akt 17: Match the expressions.  Try to use these in class.  

Akt. 15, p. 14: listen and select the correct answers.  Listen 3 times!  Drei Mal! 

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 15.  Know the three countries where German is the official language.  Where is it one of four? (for the truly curious: what are the other three languages).  Know 5  countries where German is spoken (not as an official language). 

Watch the video, accessible on the online lab, textbook/video section.  Read the questions to A, B, C, D first, then watch the video and jot down answers.  

Study for test, Einführung, pp. 2-19. Use "Das kann ich nun!", p. 19 as a guide/checklist

Study the complete Wortschatz, pp. 18-19. Try making some flashcards (see the sidebar on the blog for a link to a flashcard generating site).  Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/  You can easily make flashcards to suit your learning style and knowledge of the material and that reflect which material you have already mastered and which you will need to additionally study.   

Tests will be given in the second half of the class period, ca. 7:45 or 8.  Students may vary in terms of the time it takes to finish, typically 20-45 minutes, depending on the chapter.  You may leave for the evening when finished with the test.  

There will be: 

1.  A listening section covering: introductions and telephone numbers

2.  Answering questions with a complete sentence. 

3.  Questions about "well being"  (wie geht's?)

4.  Greeting people as appropriate in the situation 

5.  Saying goodbye

6.  Expressions used in class 

7.  A short reading passage and answering questions about the text (may answer in English) 

8.  A very short writing passage (completing a brief dialog between two friends meeting in a cafe.) 

9.  A question about German-speaking countries' culture, based on the assigned "Landeskunde-Info". 

Note to 10A students: as mentioned on the blog post for Wednesday, because there is so little material at this point, 10A students will write the test and I will "grade" it on a point scale, rather than as a letter grade.  For Kapitel 1 and 2, however, 10A students will give their short presentations based on their choice of assigned topics.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Assignment for 6/17/15 - Einführung

Assignment for 6/17/14:

Review pp. 2-5, Einführung.

Read: Landeskunde-Info, p. 3, p. 9

Read and study: Hallo - Mach's gut, pp. 6 and 7

Akt. 7, p. 7: write/jot down correct matches for 1-7 from a-j column  There may be more than one appropriate response.

Akt 8: be prepared to run through these dialogs in class with a neighbor

Read and study p. 8, Na, wie geht's.

Listen to Akt. 9.  You can access the online language lab here:  http://www.ccsf.edu/Departments/Language_Center/oll/

The user name is: german
The password is:  ccsf

It is good for developing your "ear" for German to listen to these listening assignments 3 times.

Akt. 10 will be done in class.  Be prepared!

Read and study: So zählt man auf Deutsch, p. 9 in textbook.  or P. 7 in the lab manual takes you through the numbers with audio.  Practice saying the numbers out loud from 0-20 and then 21, 22, etc.  Note the patterns and repetitions.

Listen to Akt. 11, p. 10.  3 times is best for maximum comprehension.

Read Analyse, p. 10

Listen to Akt. 12, p. 12 and jot down answers.

Landeskunde-Info, p. 11 will be done in class.

Akt. 13 will be done in class.

If time, Akt. 14 will be done in class.  Otherwise, it will be done on Monday.  

Begin working on the Workbook and Lab Manual, Einführung.  These will be
handed in on Monday, 6/22, before you take the test.  It is very beneficial for you to be thorough with the Workbook and LM, as they closely correlate to the material in the textbook and also on the chapter tests. However, since some of you may not yet have the workbook/lab manual, I will accept these late, meaning on Wednesday, 6/24 or at the latest 6/29.  

Note for German 10A students: since there is very little material to give a presentation at this point, you will take the written test and points will be used rather than a grade.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Willkommen! German 1A/10A Summer Session at CCSF

Grüßt Euch!  Welcome to German at CCSF.  In six short weeks, you will be speaking elementary German on topics such as: yourself (who you are, where you're from, what activities you enjoy), how you live, and friends and family.  The class will feature a medley of activities:  culture, grammar, interactive exercises, videos, and guided conversations with classmates.  There will be listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  And ... viel Spaß!  Click on the link to the right to view the syllabus, and details on the required textbook, workbook, and lab manual.  The CCSF Downtown Bookstore will have bundled copies of these three components, but you might want to see if you can find them at other, online, locations such as Amazon or Half Price Books.  Be sure, however, to purchase the 6th edition.  The book and lab manual/workbook are on reserve at the Downtown Library and there is a scanner there ....   If you are not planning on continuing in the Fall and you'd rather not purchase the materials, then just copying the introduction through Kapitel 3 will suffice.  Be sure, though, to copy the answer key for those chapters in both the workbook and lab manual.