Thursday, July 9, 2015

German 10A: Topic for the Final Presentation on 7/29

Here is the topic for the final presentation on 7/29 for 10A students.  Please note that it is three-fold.  It is being posted now so that you have adequate time to prepare.  

1.  Greet the class and introduce yourself.  Include the following:  

  • Your name 
  • Where you are from
  • How old you are 
  • Your height in meters
  • Describe 3-4 of your personal characteristics using "Ich bin ...."  See p. 30 for vocabulary
  • Using "macht Spaß" say two things that you like to do.  Using "gern + verb" say one thing that you like to do.  See Sprach-Info on p. 31 for a refresher on this. 

2.  Describe your apartment or house.  Begin with "Meine Wohnung/mein Haus hat ..." and name 4 rooms.  Say which room is your favorite: Mein Lieblingszimmer ist das ________.  Es ist __________________ (and describe the room using adjectives that you know or look up.)  Say three items that this room has using the correct form of "ein".  For example: Mein Wohnzimmer hat einen Couchtisch, einen Fernseher, und einen DVD Spieler. 


3. Using Akt. 2, p. 86 as a guide, present your family to the class.  Answer questions 1-5 AND make up one statement of your own.  

Each of these sections should be no more than 3 minutes each.  Thus, your presentation should run about 9-10 minutes.  Please practice in advance and time it!  

Grades will be based on a "checklist" of how many of these topics you include, i.e. a check for mentioning three items that the room has using "ein", etc.  There are also overall points for correct grammar, pronunciation and basic presentation (i.e., have you practiced this, is your delivery halting or smooth?)

German 1A: General test topics for Kapitel 2 test

The test for Kapitel 2 will be given on Monday, 7/13/2014.

The general topics will be as follow:

1.  Listening section

2.  Identifying objects seen in a house, including definite article and plural form.  Know the plural forms of the vocabulary on page 80 under the headings:  Im Kaufhaus and Das Haus.

3. Fill in the blank with adjectives regarding housing.

4.  Write 4 sentences using appropriate verbs introduced in Kapitel 2.  See pp. 80-81 in the Wortschatz for a list of verbs, including, most importantly, stem-vowel change verbs.

5.  Complete 4 sentences using the correct form of "haben" and "kein"

6.  Sentences with "dieser" or "welcher" in their correct forms.

7.  A reading passage with questions.

8.  A culture section about student living situations in Germany vs. in the U.S.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/13/2015: Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne

Continue working on Workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 2, to be turned in before the test on 7/13.  Don't forget the Journal section: it is one of the few opportunities to practice writing something a bit more extended.  

Thema 3: Was wir gern machen (continued) 

Akt. 8: Hin und Her will be done in class. 

P. 60: Akt. 9.  Prepare to review in class.  Try to formulate complete sentences, using either "er" or "sie", as appropriate.  Beispiel: 1.  Was trinkt Jasmin gern?  Sie trinkt gern Rotwein.  Note that "gern" will follow the verb as closely as possible.   

Read Sprach-Info and prepare to do Akt 11 in class.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Pp. 74-75: Übungen 17, 18: supply the correct plural forms, as per the directions. 

Read "The Plural of Nouns" and read notes carefully.  They contain a lot of tips as to how to predict the plural form.  

Watch the Videoclip, p. 75 at least twice.  Do A, B, C.  For C: write at least 5 sentences describing your apartment/home/living quarters.  Note: The fill-in-the-blank sections for A.1. are a bit confusing, don't be too concerned about that one. 

P. 78: B: look at the pictures and see how many objects you can identify, with definite articles and plural forms.  Quiz yourself! 

Prepare for test, Kapitel 2.  Review all grammar sections, Wortschatz (pp. 80-81), using "Das kann ich nun!" as a guide.  Bring completed workbook/lab manual to class to turn it.  If you do the workbook thoroughly, as well as the assignments, the tests will reflect this.  See other posts for general topics (1A) and the presentation topic (10A).    

Click here for some extra review for nicht/kein.  Here is one for negating sentences. 

Still learning the conjugation of "haben"?  Click here for an exercise.  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

German 10A: Presentation Topic for Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne (Monday, 7/13/15)

Eine Haustour:  You are describing/showing your friends your new apartment/house.  Using the vocabulary on pages 53 and 56, give a presentation of your abode.  Describe each room (name at least 4 different rooms or places in a house or apartment).  Use at least two adjectives to describe each room.  What type of furniture is in each room?  Name at least two items of furniture or other things you would find in a room. What do you do in each room?  Use one verb (at least) per room.  Finally, what don't you have in your apartment/house that you still need?  Use the correct form of "kein" in your sentence.  See Akt. 2 of the Workbook, p. 32, as a template.   

To make this more interesting, you may make up a Power Point presentation and present it to the class.  I will have an LCD projector that you may use, if anyone is planning on doing this.   But please let me know if so, so that I can reserve the equipment.   

Again, it is best to practice this beforehand and time it so that it comes in at around 3 minutes.  

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/8/2015: Kapitel 2: Wie ich wohne

Continue working on workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 2.  Material (exercises) not completed on Monday, 7/6, will be on the menu for Wednesday.  

Pp. 56-57: Thema 2.  

Study Neue Wörter, p. 57 

Look at the pictures, p. 56 and answer A.;  For B: using "dieser" in its correct form (pay attention to the gender of the noun you are using) identify 5 other items and write what they cost, using the example given in B. 

Akt. 5: Listen (3x) and check items.

Read Sprach-Info.  Make a special note: the definite article changes only for masculine nounsi.e. der > den.  

P. 58: Akt. 7: Listen (3x) and answer true/false.  Write your own das stimmt/das stimmt nicht questions based on the pictures on p. 56, two for each "Bild"  Identify first: "Bild 1", "Bild 2," "Bild 3" (from top to bottom of page).  Use the correct form of "dies_".  Zum Beispiel:  Bild 2:  Dieser Papierkorb kostet 25 Euro.  (Das stimmt).  

Look at the following ads from a German newspaper/print/online:  SONNABEND/SONNTAG, 13./14. JUNI 2015  TAZ.AM WOCHENENDE

and answer the following questions: 

1.  Was sucht die Familie?  Wie viele Kinder hat sie?  Welche Adjektive beschreiben die Wohnung, die sie sucht? 

2.  Wie ist das Pärchen?  Was ist der Mann von Beruf?  Wie alt ist er?  Was ist die Frau von Beruf?  Wie alt ist sie.  Wie viele Zimmer suchen sie?  Was bedeutet 900 Euro warm?  In welchen Stadtbereichen wollen sie wohnen?  (wollen - to want to). 

3.  Auf Englisch: What can you say about this ad?  


1.  4-köpfige Familie (mit schulpfl. Kindern) sucht 4-Zimmer-Wohnung in Pankow/Weißensee/Friedrichshain, ruhige, grüne Lage. Mail: 

2.  Sympathisches, aufgeschlossenes Pärchen sagt Hallo BERLIN, Dipl.Ing. für IT (34) und selbstständige Intensivkrankenschwester (28) suchen ab 01.8./ 01.09.15 eine 2-3 Zi. Whg. ab 70qm für max. 900€ warm, bevorzugt in Wedding (Nähe Gesundbrunnen), Mitte, Kreuzberg oder Friedrichshain. Schön wäre ÖPNV Nähe und Balkon! Kontakt: WOHNPROJEKTE 

3.  Land-Leben! 1h/70km nördl. von Berlin. Mietwohnung (100qm) frei + Bau-/Ausbauprojekte geplant. Hofgemeinschaft sucht Leute u. Kinder! Toller ökolg. 4-Seit. Hof + Garten 7000qm bieten Platz für kreative Ideen, Schulgründung geplant. Nähe Stechlinsee. Info+Kontakt: ☎ 0177.1988 708

Thema 3: Was wir gern machen

Pp. 58-59: Thema 3:  Study Neue Wörter and read the Sprach-nfo.  Match the pictures (a-f) to the statements (1-6).  

Was machen Sie gern?  Check the boxes as appropriate.  Be prepared to tell the class two things you like to do and one thing that you don't.  

The rest of Thema 3 will be assigned for 7/13, but this part is beneficial for reviewing the stem-vowel change verbs. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 69: Read Negation: nicht and kein, including notes and also study chart.  Note how the endings for "kein"  parallel the "ein" word endings that you already know!  

Übung 9: Listen (3x) and check off the excuses.  

P. 70: Übung 10.  Read the comic and circle the correct option. 

Übung 11: write either nicht or kein for 1-10

p. 71: Read "Verbs with Stem-Vowel Changes" and note.  They stem-vowel changes will have to be memorized!  No way around it!    

Übung 13:  Complete as per the directions.  THEN, create a question to generate the statements for each sentence.  (10 questions, 5 each for Herr und Frau Wunderlich)  They can be "information seeking" questions (using was, wo, wie, etc. ) or "yes/no" questions.  (to review the two different types of questions, see pp. 41-43).  

Zum Beispiel: ja/nein form:  Sieht Frau Wunderlich gern Horrorfilme?  Ja, sie sieht gern Horrorfilme, or Nein, sie sieht nicht gern Horrorfilme.  Information seeking form:  Wer sieht gern/nicht gern Horrorfilme?    

Übung 14: Fill in the blanks 

Pp. 72-73: Übung 15: prepare 3 sentences by following the directions.  Then this will be completed in class with a neighbor.