Friday, July 24, 2015

Assignment for Monday, July 27: Review of Kapitel E-3

For Monday: review each chapter: vocabulary, Grammatik, the Themen, as well as consulting "Das kann ich nun!" at the end of each Kapitel as a guideline.  There will also be handouts for extra practice with certain aspects of grammar.  

Please be working on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 3.  They are due on Wednesday, 7/29, the evening of the final.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Online sources for grammar review for German 1A

Here are a variety of online activities for reviewing some of the concepts presented in German 1A.

"Der" words in the nominative

"Der" words in the accusative

"Ein" words in the accusative (note that possessive adjectives (mein, dein, etc.) are considered "ein" words.

Choose the correct indefinite article 

Nominative case pronouns 

Accusative case pronouns

German 1A/10A: Assignment for 7/22/15: Kapitel 3

Continue to work on WB/LM for Kapitel 3.  Be sure to do the Journal section to have some writing practice.  

Watch the video, p. 104, and for A. check "richtig" or "falsch".  For B, write down four interview questions.  

Lesen: Zum Thema.  A and B will be done in class, but take a look and be prepared to say a) whether the holidays noted are "wichtig" or "unwichtig" and b) how do you celebrate your birthday. 

P. 106: Read: Wie feierst du deinen großen Tag?  Then look at A, Zum Text and jot down name, etc. for each entry.  Just use key words and phrases. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 
P. 102: The verbs werden and wissen: read and study chart.  Note the irregularities in the conjugations. 

Übung 12: complete the sentences

P. 103: Read Sprach-Info 

Übung 14: listen (3x) and check the appropriate responses 

Übung 15: wissen oder kennen.  Complete with the correct form, 1-6

Übung 16: Will be done in class 

Test for Kapitel 3 will be done in class.