Thursday, June 25, 2015

German 1A: Test for Kapitel 1 on 7/1/15

Here are the areas to concentrate on as you study for the test for Kapitel 1 on Wednesday, 7/1/15.  Please bring completed workbook/lab manual to class to turn in.  Completing these and being thorough in your work will greatly help you with the test material!  I guarantee it!

1. Listening section: personal information - yes or no

2.  5 questions (written) eliciting personal information

3.  Definition matching: personal characteristics

4.  Personal Pronouns

5.  Verb conjugation: fill in blanks and complete a dialog

6.  Reading:  answer questions

7.  Writing: Write a real or fictitious description of yourself (20-30) words.  Include information such as age, (metric) height, personality, and interests.  It is a good idea to prepare in advance; however, you may not consult any notes during the test!

8.  Culture: question based on a cultural/linguistic concept covered in class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Get Germanized: Vorsicht! May cause mild laughter

Here is a fun way to get your cultural component for your German language learning.  This is the first in a series of videos, and actually, there is a lot of information here.  Check it out!

German 10A: Topic for presentation for Kapitel 1 on Wednesday, 7/1/15

 Since there is so little content at this point to work with, there is only one topic assigned for the 10A presentations.  Please note, part of your grade points will be based on including items 1-6 in your presentation.  

Wer bist du?  Create an introduction to the class about yourself. and include the following 

1.  Greet the class!

2.  Say what your first name is and your last name (Mein Vorname ist ________, mein Nachname ist ____________.)

3.  Using the lists on page 30 of the Textbook, describe yourself using 3 -4 adjectives AND 

4.  Say three things that you like to do, using either the form of "........ machen Spaß" or "Ich (verb goes here) gern."  See the Sprach-Info on p. 31 of the textbook for more information on this.  

5.  Say where you live and how you like the city where you live.  To say how you like something (2 adjectives) use:  "Ich finde (name of city) ________________.  (adjective)"  Beispiel: Ich finde Walnut Creek ganz interessant und ruhig.  

6.  Say what your profession is or, if you don't yet have a profession, say where you work.  Beispiel:  Ich bin Lehrer von Beruf.  OR Ich arbeite bei (name of company).  

This should take ca. 3 minutes, no longer.  Write it out first and practice it in front of someone, or in front of a mirror.  Or, you could record yourself and play it back to get a sense of how fluent you are and how well you are using the vocabulary.  

The presentations will take place in front of only the students in 10A, due to time constraints (ca. 10 people).  Each student, as they listen to their classmates, should jot down ONE question that they could ask if called upon.  

This should not be read straight from paper, but you may write key words on note cards to refer to.  The idea is to make this as "conversational" as possible.  Feel free to email me if you have any quyestions as you are preparing this.  

10A students will all do the listening portion of the test for Kapitel 1, and then we will go down the hall to another classroom.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for Monday, 6/29

Continue work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 1.  There is a strong correlation between being thorough with the workbook/lab manual assignments and doing well on the test.  Test and workbook/lab manual: Kapitel 1, 7/1.  Do not omit the Journal writing section at the end of the each workbook chapter!  This is one of your few opportunities to practice writing skills in German.    

Test on 7/1: General topics will be posted on Thursday, 6/25 for 1A students. 

A selection of topics for presentations for 10A will be posted on 6/25.  Check back then for these and details about how you can make your presentation come to life.  

If we didn't get to Übungen 8, 9, pp. 38-39 on Wednesday, we'll will review these on Monday.  If you did not prepare it for Wednesday, now's your chance to review verb endings!  

Study Wortschatz, pp. 48-49

P. 25: Thema 2: Sich erkundigen

Listen (3x) to audio, study Neue Wörter, p. 25.  Welches Wort findest du interessant oder praktisch zu wissen?  

P. 26: Ein Gespräch an der Uni, study Neue Wörter, p. 26 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 26

Read and study Analyse, p. 26 and be prepared to answer the questions

P. 27: Read Sprach-Info,, 

Akt. 5 & 6:  check the correct boxes 

P. 28: Akt. 7: Match questions 

Akt. 8: Listen (3x) and indicate logisch/unlogisch)

P. 30: Thema 3: Eigenschaften und Interessen

Study Neue Wörter.

Check boxes for "So bin ich" and "Das macht Spaß"

P. 31: Read Sprach-Info

Akt. 11 - write opposites 

Akt. 12: Write down the activity.

Was macht Spaß?  Look at Sprach-Info again on p. 31 and use it as an example to write down two things that you like to do.  Use "____ macht Spaß" for one and "Ich _______ gern." for the other.   Use the categories on page 30 to help you along. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 39: Read The Verb Sein and study the conjugation.  Memorize! 

Übung 10. Complete the sentences

Read Sprach-Info, p. 40  

 Read: Word Order in Sentences.  Carefully!  This part is very important to note! 

Be prepared to do Übung 11 in class.  Note how word order changes when you begin with the bolded words.  

P. 41: Übung 12:  Write sentences (10 in all) 

Übung 13: Prepare to do in class

Read "Asking Questions" and notes

P. 42: Übung 14: Write out complete questions, for example: 1.  Der Mann heißt Jürgen. To practice pronouns, try completing the questions using the appropriate pronoun rather than the noun.  

Übung 15: just write the correct interrogative pronouns for 1-8

Übung 16: Write word questions for 1-8

Sunday, June 21, 2015

German 1A/10A: Assignment for Wednesday, 6/24: Kapitel 1: Das bin ich

Begin work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 1.  These are due on the evening of the chapter test.  You can access the lab audio here: 

The user name is:  german
The password is:   ccsf

P. 21: Alles Klar?

Read and complete A, listen to B and circle answers

P. 22: Thema 1

Study Neue Wörter, p. 22 and read profiles 1, 2, 3, then complete "Schreiben Sie Steckbriefe", pp. 22-23

P. 23: Read Sprach-Info, p. 23

Akt. 1: Listen (3 times is best) and check correct boxes

Then fill in blanks to describe yourself.

P. 24: Read Landeskunde-Info, and be prepared to discuss answers to the questions in class.

Akt. 2: Listen (3x) and check ja/nein

Akt. 3: write complete sentences to use for a classroom interview

Akt. 4: Figure out your height in meters/centimeters using the conversion ruler in the sidebar.  

Grammatik im Kontext

Pp. 32-33: read Nouns, Gender, and Definite Articles.

Übung 1: Listen (3x) and circle the definite article

Übung 2: Complete the sentences

Übung 3: Create compound nouns

P. 34: Read Personal Pronous and notes

P. 35: Übung 4: write answers to 1-8

Übung 5: prepare answers for 1-7 to do in class with a neighbor

Übung 6: Identify each subject in questions 1-8 and replace with the appropriate pronoun.  Write down the appropriate pronouns for a-h, matching the Frage column with the correct Antwort.  This exercise will then be completed in class. Be prepared!

Important!  Wichtig! P. 36: Read, carefully, The Verb:Infinitive and Present Tense

Study the conjugations in the chart and memorize one as a "paradigm".  Read the notes.

Read: Use of the Present Tense and scan "Analyse".  Be prepared to answer questions in class.

P. 37; read Sprach-Info.

Übung 7: Write 2-3 sentences for each "person"  Ich, Mein Freund/Er/Wir.  Be sure that your verb matches the subject in terms of "person".

Übung 8: be prepared to do this as partner-work in class.

Übung 9: prepare endings to do in class.